Raspberry Pi

From SatNOGS Wiki
Revision as of 18:40, 29 September 2017 by Acinonyx (talk | contribs) (Convert to H1 to save some headers)

The Raspberry Pi 3 is the reference platform for SatNOGs. As of September 2017, there are two methods of installing the SatNOGS client on a Raspberry Pi:

  • Using Fedora for ARM, and following the instructions at satnogs.readthedocs.io
  • Installing the custom-built SatNOGS Raspian image


Start by downloading the "Server" or "Minimal" image from the the Fedora ARM project page. After that, follow the instructions at satnogs.readthedocs.io.


The latest Raspbian image can be downloaded from Gitlab.com. On that page, look for the Download icon for the latest job (listed first on the page).

You will download a file named "artifacts.zip". Unzip this to a convenient place.

You should verify the contents of that file by checking the SHA256 checksum. On Linux, run "sha256sum -c sha256sums" like so:

/tmp $ cp ~/Downloads/artifacts.zip .
/tmp $ unzip artifacts.zip 
Archive:  artifacts.zip
  inflating: deploy/2017-09-10-Raspbian-SatNOGS-master-lite.info  
  inflating: deploy/image_2017-09-10-Raspbian-SatNOGS-master-lite.zip  
  inflating: deploy/sha256sums       
/tmp $ cd deploy/
/tmp/deploy $ ls -l
total 637892
-rw-r--r--. 1 aardvark aardvark    116696 Sep 10 00:59 2017-09-10-Raspbian-SatNOGS-master-lite.info
-rw-r--r--. 1 aardvark aardvark 653075512 Sep 10 00:59 image_2017-09-10-Raspbian-SatNOGS-master-lite.zip
-rw-r--r--. 1 aardvark aardvark       227 Sep 10 01:06 sha256sums
/tmp/deploy $ sha256sum -c sha256sums 
2017-09-10-Raspbian-SatNOGS-master-lite.info: OK
image_2017-09-10-Raspbian-SatNOGS-master-lite.zip: OK

Unzip the image zipfile that was contained in the artifacts zipfile. (In the example above, it is named "image_2017-09-10-Raspbian-SatNOGS-master-lite.zip".) Within that, you'll find the image file that needs to be installed to an SD card:

/tmp/deploy $ unzip image_2017-09-10-Raspbian-SatNOGS-master-lite.zip 
Archive:  image_2017-09-10-Raspbian-SatNOGS-master-lite.zip
  inflating: 2017-09-10-Raspbian-SatNOGS-master-lite.img  

Follow the usual Raspbian flashing instructions, and boot your Raspberry Pi.

If you are using wired ethernet you should get connectivity right away. If you are using wireless then see this doc for network configuration instructions.

SSH to the Raspberry Pi with user "pi" and password "raspberry" (no quotes). Run "sudo satnogs-setup" to set basic configuration. When it's done, the Raspberry Pi will reconfigure itself; this may take some time.

  • Note: you can always reconfigure the software by running "sudo satnogs-setup -n" again.