Raspberry Pi

From SatNOGS Wiki
Libre Space Foundation Raspberry Pi Case
Libre Space Foundation Raspberry Pi Case, on thingiverse


The Raspberry Pi (version 3, 4 and 5) is the reference platform for SatNOGS (see our Ansible guide to install SatNOGS on other Linux machines).

This page assumes you have an account and a ground station registered on either network.satnogs.org or network-dev.satnogs.org. Make note of your station ID and API Key.


IMPORTANT: Some essential features from the previous version are currently unavailable in the newer version. Please review the Missing Features Table before flashing. If any of the missing features are critical to your setup, follow the Legacy Software Installation Guide to install the legacy software.

Use the Raspberry Pi Imager, as outlined in the Raspberry Pi OS flashing guidelines, and follow the steps provided there. Along with the official guide, be sure to take into account the instructions provided in the following subsections.

OS selection

To optimize resource usage and reduce unnecessary running services, choose the Raspberry Pi OS Lite image instead of the full Raspberry Pi OS image. During the OS selection process, navigate to the Raspberry Pi OS (other) submenu and select Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit).

OS customization

At the very least, you need to:

  • Set username and password
  • Set locale settings
    • Time zone
    • Keyboard layout
  • Enable SSH

If connection to the internet is via Wi-Fi, make sure to Configure wireless LAN as well.

To easily discover the Rapsberry Pi among other Rapsberry Pis in your network, set a unique hostname.

Getting console access

You can log in the Raspberry Pi by connecting it to a keyboard and monitor or through network via an SSH connection.

Keyboard and monitor

Once your Raspberry Pi is booted, log in with the username and password that you set during the flashing process.


If your network supports zeroconf, you can use the hostname of your Raspberry Pi and log in with SSH using the username and password that you set during the flashing process. Example:

$ ssh pi@raspberrypi.local

If zeroconf is not supported then you must manually find the IP address of the Raspberry Pi (e.g. in your router management interface).


To install the SatNOGS software on the Raspberry Pi OS or any other supported OS you just log, and execute the following command:

$ curl -sfL https://satno.gs/install | sh -s --

This command executes the SatNOGS Setup tool which will install all the necessary software and then bring up the SatNOGS configuration menu-driven utility.

Follow SatNOGS Setup instructions to configure the system.