SatNOGS Network
What is the purpose of the production environment
The production environment is the natural successor to the Development Environment. Once a station has been effectively commissioned and has gone through a necessary confidence period it can be moved to the production environment. This network is a place to be considered the place to move a station once you are comfortable with its performance and reliability.
Getting onto the production environment
The production environment needs reliable ground stations that perform within the constraints that would be expected. This means that for static, non rotator ground stations would not be expected to perform as well as rotator based systems. A ground station should perform in a way that is comparable to its peers and it line with the constraints of the geography, antenna type, location and the other aspects which will make a ground station different to another.
The ground station should also be reliable. This does not mean that it should be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Downtime is expected, it should however, not be unduly off line or unreliable. If you're ground station fits within these guidelines then it is good to have a conversation about if it is ready for the production environment.
Requesting inclusion
Because the production has constraints to it and by virtue restricted. Ground stations operators are required to request an 'invitation'. This can be done via the community.